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Our Work

Marin Economic Forum educates Marin County on its economy. This work takes many forms. From academic reports to networking businesses, MEF acts to reduce public policy barriers and direct individuals, businesses and other organizations to solutions. MEF and its board acts as a source of networking and information about the Marin County economy and the county’s role and connections in the North Bay. MEF uses its “working groups” to help find out more of what is happening on the front lines in Marin’s economy, and what questions are being asked by local businesses and non-profits.

MEF focuses on a set of priority issues each year. To establish the priority issues, the Board of Directors, along with MEF Partners, vet staff recommendations and approve between 2-3 issues that the organization will focus during the calendar year. Among other criteria, the issues must align to the MEF mission of achieving economic vitality in Marin County as well as have clear possible impact from the use of organization resources.

2024 Priority Issues

Workforce development: MEF works to convene different workforce practitioners from the education sector to business to public services, to identify and meet workforce demands. This is especially critical in Marin County where there is a relatively small workforce and employers are constantly seeking workers. At the other end of the spectrum, Marin is home to many high skilled workers that must seek employment outside of Marin County due to a relatively small volume of employers that demand those skills. MEF also helps to identify growth sectors in the economy so workforce practitioners can plan their training and link to private employers in those sectors to build talent pipelines. Finally, MEF helps to identify where workforce opportunities can improve equity in the county in support of the “Marin County Economic Vitality Strategic Plan.”

Business attraction: Marin County has always been a home of innovative companies, including Lucasfilm, Autodesk and Restoration Hardware to name just a few. Marin is also home to a large volume of “solopreneurs” applying their ingenuity and creativity in a variety of service sectors. With the pandemic changing work habits and forcing different models of the workplace, Marin County is well positioned to host and attract new businesses. Marin already has a deeply experienced resident population working for some of the world’s most notable tech and financial companies, as well as a legacy of creativity in music and the arts. Combine that spirit with relatively lower cost office inventory, a strategic location allowing employers to draw talent from the north, east and south, as well as an excellent “post-work” offering in our downtowns, and you have the ingredients for a highly attractive environment to place a company. MEF is working with jurisdictions to craft messages to attract business and to promote the benefits of placing a business in Marin.

Our Mission

The Marin Economic forum provides information and opportunities to collaborate for improving Marin County’s economic vitality, while seeking to increase social equity and protect the environment.

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