5/1 Blog Topic: SMART Gets $21 Million for Windsor Extension

May 1, 2018

SMART Gets $21 Million for Windsor Extension

The Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit District has received $21 million in state transportation funds to construct an extension to Windsor, train officials announced last week. The grant, coupled with $40 million proposed in the upcoming ballot issue Regional Measure 3, would allow SMART to complete the Windsor extension.

Voters will have the opportunity to vote in favor of the $40 million in bridge toll increases over a six-year period to pass funding that would complete the 70 mile SMART line from the Sonoma Airport to Windsor and connect with the completed track that runs to San Rafael and ultimately, Larkspur.

Marin Economic Forum strongly endorses this measure and other transportation + infrastructure improvements intended to enhance the mobility of people, goods and services as these are the elements that build the foundation for a strong local and regional economy.


Marin IJ Article

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