6/4 Blog Topic: Marin Transportation – “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”
June 5, 2018
The Marin IJ’s “ Rail Spur Takes Shape” story reveals the so-called “train to nowhere” is about to go somewhere, with work occurring daily at the future Larkspur stop on the south side of Cal Park Tunnel. That stop, of course, is the link to the SMART train in downtown San Rafael and equally important, to the Golden Gate ferry system at the Larkspur Landing ferry terminal. The 2.1 mile extension has a budget of $55.3 million. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission has provided some of the funds for the extension, while a federal grant and local sales tax dollars are covering the rest of the cost for the extension.
Here’s the link to the Marin IJ’s story: Marin IJ Article
Two days later, another page 1A story appeared, “Commute in Marin Worst in the Bay Area.” Cringe! We knew it was bad, but the worst?
Overall, Marin residents take 32.3 minutes to get to work, while Bay Area-wide average time is 31.6 minutes, according to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s Vital Signs program (http://www.vitalsigns.mtc.ca.gov/), which is designed to give Bay Area residents a snapshot of key transportation, land use, environmental and economic policy trends. Belvedere (40.6 minutes) and San Anselmo (35.5 minutes) had the longest average commutes while San Rafael averaged the shortest commute time (28.4 minutes). It’s worth a look at the story to learn more about Marin residents’ commute patterns. For example, 12.4% of us commute 60-89 minutes to get to work daily.
Here’s the IJ commute article: Marin IJ Article
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, creating more affordable housing, developing a local and highly competent workforce, improving our transportation systems and options and addressing inequality are all related, connected and inseparable, in good times and bad. Our mission is to address them individually and holistically so Marin can become a better version of itself.
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